Sunday, 20 March 2016

Guide to occupational diseases relating to the UAE Labour law

These occupational diseases relate to Chapter 8 of the UAE Labour Law

Below is the UAE Ministry of Labour’s official list of occupational diseases, relating to Chapter 8 – Compensation for occupational injuries and diseases – of the labour law.

This document should be referred to when seeking compensation in accordance with the law.

Schedule 1

1. Poisoning by lead and its compounds

Any occupation which requires use or handling of lead or its compounds containing lead.

2. Poisoning by mercury and its compounds

Any occupation requiring use or handling of mercury or its compounds or any items containing mercury or exposure to mercury dust or gases or its compounds or items containing mercury.

3. Poisoning by arsenic and its compounds

Any occupation requiring use or handling or arsenic or its compounds or any items containing arsenic or exposure to dust or gases of arsenic or its compounds or items containing arsenic.

4. Poisoning by antimony and its compounds

Any occupation requiring use or handling of antimony or its compounds or any items containing antimony or exposure to dust or gases of antimony or its compounds or items containing antinomy.

5. Poisoning by phosphorus and its compounds

Any occupation requiring use or handling of phosphorus or its compounds or exposure to the dust or gases of phosphorus or its compounds or items containing phosphorus.

6. Poisoning by products, benzene or its homologues or any compounds or derivatives thereof

Any occupation requiring use or handling of such products or any work requiring exposure to its dust or gases.

7. Poisoning by manganese and its compounds

Any occupation requiring use or handling of manganese or its compounds or any items containing manganese or exposure to the dust or gases of manganese or any other items with manganese content.

8. Poisoning by sulphuric metal and its compounds

Any occupation requiring use or handling of sulphuric metal or its compounds or any items having sulphuric content or exposure to the dust and gases of sulphuric metal and its compounds or any items having sulphuric content.

9. Poisoning by petroleum, its gases, derivatives or compounds

Any occupation requiring use or handling of benzene and its derivatives or its compounds or exposure to the dust or vapors of benzene whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form.

10. Poisoning by chloroform or carbon tetrachloride

Any occupation requiring use or handling of chloroform or carbon tetrachloride or exposure to the gases containing them.

11. Diseases resulting from Radium or radio-active (X-rays)

Any occupation requiring exposure or radium or any other radio-active substance or X-rays.

12. Chronic skin disease and burns of the skin and the eye

Any occupation requiring use or handling of tar or coal tar equipment, mineral oil or kerosene (or cement, flour or similar dust or any of their compounds, products or residues).

13. Eye affections from the heat and light, and the consequences of such affections

Any occupation requiring recurrent or continuous exposure to reflection of light, heat or radiation emitted by molten glass, hot or molten metals or exposure to powerful light and high temperature that could cause harm to eye or sight.

14. Pneumoconiosis resulting from: 1.Silicosis (Silicon dust) 2.Asbestosis (Asbestos dust) 3.Byssinosis (cotton dust)

Any occupation requiring exposure to silicon dust or any items with silicon content in a concentration of more than 5%, such as work in rock cement factories, sandblasting of metals or any other occupation requiring a similar exposure, as well as any work requiring exposure to asbestos or cotton dust to such an extent as to result in such a disease.

15. Anthrax

Any work requiring contact with animals affected by such a disease or with their skins, horns and hair.

16. Glanders

Any works requiring contact with animals affected by this disease.

17. Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Any work in hospitals providing treatment patients affected by this disease.

18. Enteric Fever

Any work in hospitals specialised in the treatment of this disease.

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